Writing for Civic Engagement Workshop
Taller de Escritura para Participación Cívica
LRJC meeting prior to the recording of the interviews
Welcome to the LRJC Writing for Civic Engagement Workshop!
This workshop aims to develop the writing skills and civic agency of Latinx youth in Baltimore, Maryland. In each module, participants will listen to a story by a local Latinx community leader, read a news story about Latinx people in Maryland, engage in collective reflection, and write a narrative essay.
The workshop was developed in partnership with a team of faculty and students of the UMBC Interdisciplinary CoLab in 2023: Brandon Price, Mary Rose Khamfong, Violeta Brito, and Felipe Filomeno. LRJC and the UMBC team thank Mónica Guerrero Vázquez, Joe Voegel, and Ricardo Ortiz for serving as storytellers. They are also thankful for the support provided by UMBC.
Module 1: Empowerment Through Education
In this module, you will reflect on the pursuit of education as a challenging yet empowering journey. You will listen to the story of Mónica Guerrero Vázquez, an Ecuadorian migrant and academic high achiever. From a low-income background, she eventually earned five degrees and became the leader of a non-profit organization. You will also read a companion news article that shows Latinx high school students with similar academic ambitions.
News Article (The Baltimore Sun)
Daring Students to Reach Higher: Course Makes College a Reality for Latino Youth
A workshop sponsored by the Hispanic College Fund inspires young Latinx high schoolers in Maryland to reach further heights in education.
Discussion Questions
How did Mónica and the students at the Maryland Hispanic Symposium overcome challenges in the pursuit of education? What circumstances do you view as challenging when pursuing higher education?
Mónica leads a nonprofit organization called Centro SOL. In the article, Pena states his aspirations to be a leader like his idol Steve Jobs. Using them as inspiration, how would you go about becoming a leader in your community despite challenging social circumstances?
During much of Mónica’s life after immigrating, men told her that she was not capable of achieving her dreams. Yet, both Mónica's story and the news article show that young immigrants have potential and talent. Considering Mónica’s story, how can one pursue their passion despite challenging social circumstances?
Narrative Essay Prompt
Reflecting on Mónica's journey to academic success and leadership alongside the news article about the Maryland Hispanic Symposium, write the story about a turning point in your education. For instance, you may have started school in the United States, moved from one school to another, joined a student club, or participated in an afterschool program. What challenges did you face? What opportunities were there for you? Who supported you? Who did you support? How will that experience inform your future engagement with education?
Module 2: Youth Tackling Social Issues
In this module, you will consider how Latinx youth can play an active role in solving social problems. You will listen to the story of Joe Vogel, who was born in Uruguay and eventually became one of the first members of Generation Z to be elected to the Maryland state legislature. You will also read a companion news article in which a local media outlet interviews Joe. In our interview, Joe encourages youth to participate in our collective response to urgent challenges.
News Article (The Baltimore Banner)
An immigrant from Uruguay, he became one of the first members of Gen Z elected to the Maryland State Legislature.
Discussion Questions
Joe discussed several issues that are important to him, such as gun violence, climate change, and the opioid epidemic. What community challenges are most important to you? Why?
In response to the social challenges he cared about, Joe got involved with organizations locally through community service and volunteering. What community leaders, groups, or organizations are working on the issues you are passionate about? How could you get involved with them?
Joe draws inspiration from the everyday conversations he has with people in the community about the challenges they face. He is also inspired by the lives of his great-grandparents, who fled Eastern Europe to escape the Holocaust and sought refuge in Uruguay. Joe promised to himself that he would stand up for democracy in the United States. Who inspires you to make life better in your community?
Narrative Essay Prompt
Joe felt compelled to act in the face of challenging circumstances affecting the community. Write a story about an event when you or people in your community mobilized to address a social problem. What did you learn from that event that can inform your future civic engagement?
Module 3: Collaborating Across Differences
In this module, you will reflect on how diverse groups can collaborate to improve social conditions. You will listen to the story of Ricardo Ortiz, a journalist who immigrated from Mexico and also identifies as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. In his interview, Ricardo discusses the concept of the third gender in indigenous cultures and argues that understanding the history of your ancestors is necessary for a positive self-identity. You will also read a companion news article about a local government in Maryland trying to build bridges with historically marginalized groups.
News Article (Baltimore Fishbowl)
Howard County creates LGBTQIA+ and Latina commissions
The county executive aims to protect the civil rights of marginalized groups.
Discussion Questions
Ricardo spoke about how understanding his Oaxacan ancestry helped him feel comfortable in his identity. What characteristics of your family history and culture influence who you are today?
Ricardo’s work in the Fallstaff community required collaboration between diverse people. Howard County also took a collaborative approach by forming two commissions: the LGBTQIA+ , and the La Alianza Latina Commission. Both are comprised of community members from different organizations. How could different communities you are a part of work together to make positive change? What are some issues around which they could unite?
According to Ricardo, “When we figure out that we are in this fight together, that makes the difference, and that's making a huge change for our communities.” The goal of the Howard County LGBTQIA+ Commission and La Alianza Latina is to make a long-lasting change. How would you like your community to be ten years from now?
Narrative Essay Prompt
Ricardo’s mother took him to protests when he was very young. The media portrayed those protests in a negative light, which motivated Ricardo to be a journalist who writes honest stories about the community. Write a story about an event in your community that challenges common stereotypes and misrepresentations of the community.